Welcome to Lodge Thistle No. 127

The home of Freemasonry in Stewarton Since 1771

Lodge Thistle No. 127

Lodge Thistle came into being in 1771 as a result of several brethren "at great distance from their several Mother Lodges" who had petitioned the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a Charter to constitute a Lodge in Stewarton.

The RWM Bro Elijah Beattie, Officer Bearers, Past Masters and Brethren Welcome you to Lodge Thistle No. 127

Lodge Thistle No 127 meet on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, September to April.

What is Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a Brotherhood of men sharing a focus on moral and spiritual values, dedicated to the ideals of promoting Brotherly Love, charity, and Truth. 

What is Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a Brotherhood of men sharing a focus on moral and spiritual values, dedicated to the ideals of promoting Brotherly Love, charity, and Truth. 

Freemasonry in Ayrshire

Learn more about freemasonry in Ayrshire, our sister lodges and the charitable works of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire.

Freemasonry in Ayrshire

Learn more about freemasonry in Ayrshire, our sister lodges and the charitable works of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire.

Contact Us

Visit this page for our postal address, how to find us and contact details for our secretary. All correspondance must be addressed to the Secretary.

Contact Us

Visit this page for our postal address, how to find us and contact details for our secretary. All correspondance must be addressed to the Secretary.


Lodge Thistle No. 127 celebrated its 250th Anniversary in 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our celebrations were rescheduled for 2022. During the period 2021-2023, four of our sister lodges in Ayrshire also celebrated their 250th anniversary. To mark this occasion, the five joined in a special event to celebrate. Read more about these events below.

Commemorating 250 Years

On Saturday, 4th June 2022, Lodge Thistle 127 commemorated 250 years of Freemasonry in Stewarton. We were honoured to receive a large and distinguished deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotlaned, headed by the Grand Master Mason, Bro. Ramsay McGhee.

5 Masters 250th Celebratory Degree

On Saturday 26 August 2023, at the premises of Lodge Tarbolton (Kilwinning) St James No. 135, the 5 Ayrshire Lodges held an extraordinary charity 2nd Degree charity meeting, to raise funds for Whiteleys Retreat, a children's charity based in Ayrshire.

Visit our online shop

If are you a collector of Scottish masonic mark tokens, then visit our shop for our unique range of Lodge Thistle No 127 mark tokens and other lodge items.

Hall Hire

Lodge Thistle has availability for hall and lounge hire throughout the year. We also have weekly prize bingo every Wednesday evening from 7:30pm. 

Visit our hall and bar hire page for more info.