Commemorating 250 Years

On Saturday, 4th June 2022, Lodge Thistle 127 commemorated 250 years of Freemasonry in Stewarton. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the commemoration and celebrations were postponed from 2021 to ensure the milestone would be marked with an event fitting of the occasion.

The Brethren of Lodge Thistle 127 commemorated the 250th anniversary in 2021 via a video call which had become commonplace during the pandemic. On this occasion, Right Worshipful Master Bro. Ian Hamilton proposed a toast, and all sunk a dram to mark the occasion, with all present looking forward to the postponed celebrations.

Due to the high demand for tickets, the rededication and celebration dinner were held in Stewarton Area Centre, only a short walk from the Lodge. Over 200 Brethren attended the event, including a distinguished delegation from The Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Brother William Ramsay McGhee. Also in attendance was a distinguished delegation from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire, reigning Masters, Past Masters and brethren from Lodges across Ayrshire and other provinces of Scotland.

Members of Lodge Thistle 127 made up the remaining brethren with a great turnout from our venerable members, some of whom had been celebrating 60 years in the Masonic Brotherhood, a landmark occasion indeed.

Following an exemplary rededication ceremony, the brethren present were honoured by an address by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Brother William Ramsay McGhee. The brethren enjoyed a celebration dinner, followed by an opportunity to reacquaint themselves with fellow brothers and share reminisces of past celebrations and occasions.

by Bro. Gabriel Ritchie, Bible Bearer 2021-2022

Watch our video compilation of images from the day

A day of celebration and commemoration.

250 years in the making

"Lodge Thistle came into being in 1771 as a result of several brethren (at great distance from their several Mother Lodges) who had petitioned the Grand Lodge of Scotland craving a Charter to constitute a Lodge in Stewarton." Excerpt from the Histories of Lodge Thistle 127, Stewarton by Bro. Archibald Chalmers P.M.

The first Office-Bearers of the Lodge in 1771 were:

Andrew Brown - Right Worshipful Master

Thomas Simson - Deputy Master

Willian Wylie - Senior Warden

Francis Wark - Junior Warden

James Howie - Treasurer

John Barclay - Secretary

John Miller - Tyler

2021-2022 Office-Bearers of the Lodge Thistle 127 were:

Ian Hamilton - Right Worshipful Master

Maxwell Galt - Deputy Master

Angus MacDonald - Senior Warden

Elijah Beattie P.M. - Junior Warden

William Logan - Treasurer

Alan Whitehill P.M. - Secretary

James Forbes Stephen - Tyler

Although the names may have changed over the ensuing 250 years, the dedication to fidelity and brotherly love is still foremost in the minds of the Brethren of Lodge Thistle 127.